
Friday, October 4, 2013

The importance of UV


If you don UV your objects, it might and most times turn out horrible like the above. how ever i do understand that UVing will take some time but is a necessary step, so when it comes down to a TEAM efford who does UVing ?

From my experience is the modelers part as they are well verse with their models ( does not apply to generalist as they are you all-in-1-guy after all ), and for some cases i have yet to see is a dedicated UV guy - skinning day in and day out and all day long.


So is it hard to do UV?  Simple answer is no, its quite practically easy-ish (depends how complex the object is ) after going some practice its more or less getting the basic right.

Other then complex objects and/or complex objects, a simple UV can save you the horrible stretch and minimized the ugliness and seems in between 2 different sections.

Take the above picture for example, a non UV( or messy UV ) fig.1 and below a simple UVed character fig.2

So what do i need when i comes to UVing ?
a nice UV COLOR GRID, or the default checkered texture ( available in maya by default )

for this case the UV that i used, credit goes to

and then next, slice them up!

still can do better , buy hey works like a charm for me ^^

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